An end, a begin… and a mistake

The Old Shale Shawl is finished and awaiting to be blocked. I promise it will happen some day!

The pattern by Amanda Clark is free and really easy to follow. I’m very happy with the finished object and it took me only 4 years… yep.

Short after the Nurmilintu Shawl was cast on, because I just couldn’t wait to try that pretty yarn. It’s Natural Dye Studio’s Dazzle, a British wool, 100% Bluefaced Leicester, in delicate shades of blues, greens and purples – very soft.

The first section before the lace is done

but obviously not everything could go well…


See what happened?

That’s about 3/5 from the start. Mep

Whatever. It’ll get a lifeline (because this yarn is very slippery and would unravel to the next rows before I could blink) and hopefully I can recover from there. Not tonight though.

By the way, yes, I love blue and green, if you were wondering.

The weekend was overall quite productive and some tidy up was done, which leaves one with such a good feeling!

Some vintage yarn purchase also happened, because really, I need to build back some of my “collection”. And some antique silver – my new interest since I read some blog posts on silver items! Contagious. But expensive, so only done in wee bits. The best buy was a spoon with my initial engraved (well not mine originally but we share that letter), so now I feel very decadent to enjoy yoghurt with an antique silver spoon (1853) – that is when it arrives!

How was your weekend?

6 thoughts on “An end, a begin… and a mistake

  1. Glad to hear you are rebuilding your stash! I also got into shawls very recently, where have i been all these years without draping, snuggling and wrapping every day??? Beautiful shades of blue and green, you go!

    • itwasjudith says:

      Thank you! It’s quite funny that I have two shawls in the making in a row as I hardly use them. I’m sure they’ll be useful once they’re done though 🙂
      I shouldn’t amass a large collection of yarn, but sometimes temptation is too strong…..

  2. salpal1 says:

    Lovely finish! And the new one is going to be pretty. A shame about the mistake but not the end of the world.

    • itwasjudith says:

      Thank you! As you see I followed your advice on shawls 😉
      Yeah, the mistake is rather annoying especially because I’m worried that going back to that point will unravel badly… and then all needs to start from scratch. If I only knew how to fake a row of purls…..

      • salpal1 says:

        Lol you might as well knit what you love! You will find a place for it, either on your shoulders or a friend’s!

        I hope getting back there isn’t too awful!

  3. Your shawl is beautiful, and looks lovely and big too. Will keep you cozy any time.
    All the best with the new one. It is a easy knit.

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