Good Sunday morning!

I hope my post finds you well? How have you been doing?

At present, I’m downsizing and also in the process of restoring old properties in Tuscany, Italy.


I managed to again build up my possessions, which is taxing both from on an emotional (overloading) and practical (storage space is incredibly expensive here in London) point of view. It’s time to let some go and move what I don’t want here in London to my hometown in Italy.

Yesterday books and vintage / antique items were brought to Oxfam charity. I’m still in the process of going through “stuff”. It’s liberating. The plan is to continue working on eliminating unnecessary items from my home.

Properties in Italy (buying and restoring)

There are a lot of other news.. we bought some old properties in Italy… I never got around to write a proper post about it because I’m playing with the idea to start a dedicated channel for them.

Below some photos of the area. It’s part of the “old castle” in a town called Subbiano, near Arezzo, Tuscany, Italy. We would like to restore them and are assessing options for refurbishing and requalifiying, breathing new life into these wonderful places.

5 thoughts on “Good Sunday morning!

  1. Alli Templeton says:

    The castle looks wonderful! What an amazing and exciting project – I’d love to follow your progress. It looks a dream of a place. Good luck with your move. 🙂

    • itwasjudith says:

      Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! The project will likely take a long time as we’re still just approaching it and there’s also some budget considerations 🙂
      We don’t own the castle (unfortunately) but a part of the attached buildings, some of which is visitble in the photos next to the crenellated tower

      • Alli Templeton says:

        Wonderful, how exciting! 🙂 Best of luck with it. The best projects take time, nothing good ever came of rushing things anyway. It’ll be a great adventure. 🙂

  2. What an exciting project! Can’t wait to see updates.

    And I understand about stuff accumulating…I’ve got some boxes of stuff ready to go to charity.

    Hugs, Karen

    • itwasjudith says:

      Thank you Karen!

      We are really excited, but it will take time to get the project going because it’s complicated (medieval structure.. lots of permits involved) and costly 🙂

      I’m happy to hear that you’re also continuing on your quest to “clear the deck”. Sometimes it’s just not worth to carry the baggage 🙂

      Hugs xxx G

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