Thistle – the lace section (WIP)

In the recent days there have been a few hic-ups, but the Thistle scarf has finally made some progress. I completed the first repeat of the lace section. Six more to go!


Thistle scarf, the first repeat in the lace section

In the beginning, there was a bit of a false start, due to my misreading of the chart. This is probably typical of when one has the excitement to create a new item whose pattern has not been tried before. After a bit of fiddling, unraveling and precious advice from Johanna of Like Flora Poste (she is an experienced lace knitter and kindly dedicated some of her time to read the pattern, my problem and make a swatch herself), I was able to proceed further. Thank you Johanna ♥

The Shetland yarn I’m using is 100% Shetland 2-ply wool, used double stranded, and seems to have a different look from that originally used in the pattern (Juno Fibre Arts Belle, a sock weight 4-ply 70% alpaca 30% wool). It is thinner and gives a somewhat rougher stitch definition – though this may change once the wool is washed and blooms. In any case, the scarf is a bit of an experiment with this yarn and I’m looking forward to see the outcome.

Looking at the close-ups below, I think that there are a few mistakes: in a few points the stitch doesn’t seem to align with the overall pattern. I’ve been quite careful in checking the stitches and used stitch markers (I mean those funny things, home-made out of red wool yarn!) to make sure the repeats within each row are correct. Thus, I’m wondering whether some stitch has been knitted in a slight different way from what it should be?



Thistle scarf, close-up of the lace section

I’ll post an update when the lace section will be more advanced and by then I will see whether it was a one-off mistake or an actual error in interpretation.

P.S. A small parenthesis here that is not related to the knitted item and hence it’s an optional read. It may take a bit before the next step because both myself and my other half have been unwell: for me it’s just an annoying cold, but my partner had to be treated at the A&E for a severe asthma attack. He had ongoing issues with asthma, but those escalated to a level that it was a problem even to get to the hospital by taxi… I have to say a HUGE THANKS to the doctor and nurse personnel at the emergency: they made an incredible job and rescued him in a life-threatening situation. Despite the government attempts to hatch the National Health Service (pardon, I think they name it “open the service to the private sector”), may our NHS live long, healthy and free for everyone!

18 thoughts on “Thistle – the lace section (WIP)

  1. Cinn says:

    That purple yarn is gorgeous! I don’t see the error you think you made, so if it was a one-off chances are no one else will either 🙂 I bet once it is off the needles and properly blocked it will be the envy of everyone who sees it.

    • itwasjudith says:

      Thank you for your kind words and support 🙂
      I’m so glad to hear that others don’t find errors in the pattern – I really didn’t fancy frogging some lace work again!
      Have a great weekend!

  2. Flora Poste says:

    Dear Judith, what an ordeal you went through with your partner! So happy all was well in the end. Have a good rest, the two of you.
    The knitting looks fabulous: I studied it closely and it is perfect. The yarn makes it look a little different but it is a good choice. Once you have finished all and blocked it carefully, it will be a new family heirloom!
    keep on knitting girl and thank for your kind words: I did have fun with it!
    Big hugs from across the pond, Johanna.

    • itwasjudith says:

      Dear Johanna,
      Thank you again for your kind help and advice, it did rescue the knitting 🙂 I’m glad to read that you’re finding no errors in the knitting, I was really worried that some bits were not looking right!
      My partner is now recovering, he has to stay at hospital for treatment and observation, but he’s much better! I’m also slowly growing out of the cold, thank you 🙂
      Hope you’re having a nice weekend, hugs and greetings, Judith

  3. Ruth says:

    What a gorgeous scarf ! Love both the pattern and the yarn used.

  4. Q says:

    Q – Beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous. And the color…….. As the others said, can’t see the mistake.

    Glad your other half is doing ok!

  5. MasonBentley says:

    Glad all is OK – Must have been terrifying..and love the delicate knit xxxx

    • itwasjudith says:

      Yes, it was bad, because although I was next to him, there was nothing I could really do. Luckily the doctors made a great job as soon as we got there!
      Thank you 🙂 enjoy the holidays, the pictures look fab! xxx

  6. Forest So Green says:

    Your knitting is beautiful. I see no mistake. Happy that you and your loved one are well now 🙂 Annie

  7. starproms says:

    Your lace knitting is lovely and the colour is gorgeous. I do hope your hubbie feels better soon 🙂 and that you cold goes away really quickly.

  8. Martha says:

    It’s always a joy when a difficult problem can be solved with the help of some good will people and I’m glad you managed to solve yours. Doesnt that feel great? 🙂
    It also did happen to me on the crochet field not long ago. As an inexperienced crocheter I kept misinterpreting the verbal instructions (the bracket content to be precise). Was racking my brain over those instructions over and over again and couldnt work it out at all and then “my” crochet girls from the FB forums helped me straight away. the mistake I was making was trivial.
    I think such is a nature of exploring new areas and learning new skills. Trial and error, trial and error… 🙂 but we get richer in experience then.

    sorry to hear about your partner. hope he is feeling better now. I believe asthma attacks can be really nasty. did you get there by taxi or did you drive him to the hospital? the docs esp in A&E indeed do a great job everyday. we just dont realize it and take them for granted until a life-threatening situation happens. I myself had a chance to realize it last year in autumn. my partner workign away from home had a heart attack at night and they literally brought him back to life. I still shudder at the thought of that day and cant thank enough to those hospital people.

    • itwasjudith says:

      He is much better now, thank you! we went by taxi (we have no car) but even that was difficult because he could hardly breath in. Anyway, now it’s going well, he’s even quitting smoking 🙂

      Sorry to hear about your partner, hope he fully recovered? heart conditions require a careful follow-up and teraphy and sadly it’s a very common problem (on my father’s side, most of the siblings have heart conditions).

      I’m really thankful to the personnel who rescues people’s lives day in and day out. I really wish there was more acknowledgement of this, and also a higher respect of our NHS, it’s one of the greatest services we have


      • Martha says:

        A heart attack is a bit like cancer – a horrible life-threatening condition and once it strikes (not only older people!- this is common misconception) and you are lucky to survive, you always start to wonder when the next one will come. each day starts to be a bonus day and you have to be thankful for that. it just turns your life upside down and it’s just somewhere there looming in the background. i myself am finding it difficult to accept that it happened to my bf and it does affect other people in the family too. uncertainty is the greatest fear here.
        my bf recovered from it but i dont think you recover from it fully, i mean 100%. you have to change your lifestyle, you are on tablets till the end of life, regular check ups and diet, diet, diet…
        my bf has finally given up smoking. he hasnt smoked since March/April this year and is slowly phasing out his niqitin lozenges. I’m so happy about it.

        good luck to your bf. hope he manages to give up those nasty ciggarettes. anything that helps his lung and heart will be good.
        take care you both x

      • itwasjudith says:

        all the best to your bf and you too!

        live day by day, enjoying the happy moments that life brings to us. ♥

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